Coffee, ketchup, orange juice – these food stains are more common than you would think. We’ve collected a few more of these common food-related stains, so if you’ve ever wanted to know how to remove pomegranate stains, cooking oil stains, beetroot stains or mango stains, read on and check out our step-by-step stain removal guide. This is what you’ll find below:
7 steps to remove food stains
Remove excess
Scrape off any excess from the garment before rinsing it under running warm water. The higher the water pressure, the easier it will be to remove any pieces of food.
Prepare a soaking solution
Fill a sink or bucket with warm water and add half a scoop of Ariel Washing Powder. Mix the solution by hand until the detergent is completely dissolved to prepare a soaking solution for the food-stained garment.
Add your garment to the solution and leave it to soak for an hour. If it keeps floating to the top, place a white towel on top of it to keep it fully immersed.
Preparing to wash
Gently wring out the excess water before adding your garment to your wash with similar items.
Add the detergent based on the instructions on your pack. Use Ariel Matic Front Load for a front load fully automatic washing machine or Ariel Matic Top Load if you have a top load fully automatic machine to help with tough stain removal.
Load your garment into the washing machine with other, similar items and wash on your usual cycle, at the highest temperature shown on the care label.
After the wash cycle is complete, unload the garments immediately.
How to remove the most common food stain types
Oil and grease stains
Oil and grease stains like cooking oil, grease, margarine or butter stains occur mostly while cooking, so if you’re lucky, you have the chance to act quickly. Pre-treat the stain with a solution of water mixed with Ariel detergent and leave it for an hour to settle. Then wash as normal at the hottest temperature indicated on the care label and washing instructions.

Baby food stains
You should be able to enjoy quality time with your child, so leave the stain emergency to Ariel. Whether the stain is on your clothes, or the baby’s clothes, soak the garment in warm water mixed with Ariel laundry detergent, then wash it according to the care label.
Fruit and vegetable stains
There’s no need to be alarmed by the vibrant colour of beetroot, carrot, berry, mango or pomegranate stains on your clothes. Just pre-treat them with a soaking solution of water mixed with Ariel laundry detergent, and after an hour proceed to wash them as usual.
Egg and dairy stains
Did you end up with an egg or milk stain on your favourite jeans? No problem. Just put them in warm water after you’ve added some Ariel laundry detergent to the solution, then leave it for an hour. Finally, go on to wash your clothes as usual.
Dessert stains
You had a bit of ice cream, chocolate or jelly, and it ended up on your white shirt? No need to worry, let Ariel take care of it. Just pre-treat your food-stained garments in a solution of water mixed with Ariel laundry detergent, then wash them as usual and they’ll be good as new.
Spice stains
Chili, turmeric, haldi – the heart and soul of the food for sure, but those bright colours may be scary on your favourite T-shirt. The solution to a stain-free garment is simple: soak it in warm water with Ariel laundry detergent, then wash it according to the fabric care label.
Sauce stains
Ketchup, mustard, mayo, barbecue – you’re bound to face these stains sometimes. Here’s how you get rid of them: soak your garments in a solution of water mixed with Ariel laundry detergent, then go on to wash them as usual for the best result.
The general tip for food stains is to avoid panic. The best is always to act quickly, but even if you can’t, pre-treating your garments can go a long way, and Ariel will always be there to get your clothes back to their stain-free state.
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